Storytelling at Work
March 24, 2024
The Zen Filing System


Some years ago, when I was the "Community Coordinator" in Denver, Colorado, I worked closely with a very Zen-minded man named Jon Lieben. Jon was in charge of all maintenance and repairs to the Community Center and had an office next to mine.

One day, as I was walking by Jon's office, I saw that he, with his left arm, was sweeping all of the papers and files on his desk into a big empty box on the floor.

My first impression was quite judgmental -- that what Jon was doing was NOT a very skillful way to organize all of the many papers, projects, and details he was responsible for -- anyone of which, if left undone, would end up affecting hundreds of people and possible causing big problems, some of which that I would have to deal with later.

"Jon", I called out," What are you DOING, man? That's a lot of important papers you're just chucking into the trash. Don't you think you should, at least, LOOK at that stuff before throwing it away?"

Jon looked at me with an enigmatic smile. And paused.

"The way I figure it, Mitch, is that if any of these are REALLY important, somebody's gonna call me."

While I was absolutely bamboozled by Jon's approach at the time, the older I've gotten, the more I've come to realize how brilliant it was.

I've got files up the wazoo in my office, stacks of multi-colored folders in more than a few places, each file with a carefully written label telling me what's in it -- or, in some case, big bold words I've written on the folder, itself, words like "DEAL WITH THIS NOW!" or "IMPORTANT FINANCIAL STUFF."

Basically, this stuff just sits there like high school geometry homework waiting to be filed, which I rarely do. When I finally get guilty enough or anxious enough to actually DO something, I look through these stacks and discover that 95% of them are completely useless -- some kind of "paper trail" I never need to follow, the flora and fauna of somebody else's concept of what's important in my life.

If Jon was standing in my office, he would have, a long time ago, simply swept them into a big empty box on the floor, freeing me up from having to look at this stuff -- a visual phenomenon that has always left me feeling there was something UNDONE in my life and that something that REALLY NEEDED MY ATTENTION, when in fact, it didn't.

Let's hear it for Jon Lieben, ladies and gentlemen, and the realization that life is much simpler than how we perceive it most of the time.

(Jon, if you are reading this. THANK YOU!)

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:19 AM | Comments (0)
January 11, 2024
What a Story Is Not


For the past three years, I've been facilitating Wisdom Circles in the US, Mexico, and Australia. They have been an absolute delight -- wonderful gatherings of open-minded people who intuitively understand the power and glory of storytelling. And yet, during that time, I've noticed a curious phenomenon: Even though the word "story" is well-known to everyone, not everyone understands how to tell a story with impact.

Continue reading "What a Story Is Not"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:37 AM | Comments (0)
December 05, 2023
To My Mother on the Day of Her Funeral

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NOTE: The following eulogy I read at my mother's funeral 18 years ago. Ten minutes ago I rediscovered it, quite by accident. I offer it to you now in honor of all our mothers.

What can I say about my mother -- the one I called "mom" and "mommy" and "ma" and "Sylvie" -- the one through whom I was born, who fed me with her own blood before I entered the world?

There is something about the mother/son relationship that can never be explained -- a relationship that is way more about feeling than thinking -- and I thank my mother for awakening feeling in me, even when she was unaware of it in her self.

I have very good memories of my mother -- the woman you came here to honor today -- not so much for the things she did, but for the being she was, an advocate for love, appreciation, and simplicity.

Continue reading "To My Mother on the Day of Her Funeral"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:28 PM | Comments (0)
November 16, 2023


I remember, as a small child, playing a game called "Connect the Dots."

In front of me was an activities book composed of sheets of paper with nothing on them but numbered dots. My task was a simple one -- to draw lines between the dots, connecting each dot sequentially. #1 would get connected to #2. #2 would get connected to #3 and so on until each of the dots were connected, resulting in the creation of some kind of picture -- a hat, a house, a boat, or whatever the book publisher had in mind.

Continue reading "CONNECTING THE DOTS"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 05:41 PM | Comments (1)
November 10, 2023
The Hostage Situation

A few days ago, Rabbi Zoe B. Zak from Temple Israel of Catskill asked me to write something for tonight's Sabbath service -- something that spoke to the hostage situation in Israel.

This gave me pause and one more opportunity to reflect -- specifically on what, if anything of value, did I have to say about this great tragedy and from what persona of mine would I speak?

As a member of this temple? A Jew? An American? A man? A father? A poet? A Democrat? A peace advocate? A lifelong seeker of truth?

There are so many ways to look at things, so many points of view, so many sides of the story.

At first blush, like all of you here tonight, my heart goes out to the hostages and their families. I can only imagine if it were my children who had been taken hostage... or my friends... or my parents. I have no words to describe the feelings I would be having, never having lived through this nightmare myself.

Nor do I have words to describe the feelings of the hostage-takers and what drove them to such an action in the first place.

Here's what I know: thoughts and prayers are not enough to heal the pain that the people of Israel and Palestine are experiencing. Nor is political posturing, protest marches and whatever cease fire or truce is eventually agreed on -- especially since we all know that whatever cease fire or truce is agreed on will only be temporary and that the deep-seated hatred and antagonism that both sides have for each other -- along with their own "proof" for why their stance is well-founded -- is likely to continue.

Here's what else I know:

We were not born to hurt, fight and kill each other. We were born to experience love, kindness, compassion, consciousness and true humanity.
Demonizing the so-called "other" is easy to do. It has become a sport on planet earth -- which, as far as I can tell, is a planet of duality, one of the great challenges facing all of us -- the apparent dance of opposites:

Up and down... in and out... black and white... good and bad... East and West... North and South... hot and cold... male and female... light and dark... now and later... hard and soft... you and me... us and them... Israel and Palestine.

This duality, deeply embedded into the DNA of every single person that walks this earth very much affects our perceptions of life. "Otherness" rules us in just about every aspect of our lives. And this otherness blinds us to our common humanity in such a vile way that it makes it insanely difficult to experience each other as brothers and sisters... or children of the same God.

We have all been taken hostage by this mindset of otherness. We have all been kidnapped by an invisible force that makes it extremely difficult to come from a place of love instead of hate, compassion instead of destruction, kindness instead of killing.

Personally speaking, I have seen and felt a lot in my 76 years.

I almost died at 21, just three seconds away from drowning. Three years later, when I was 24, I met a great being and experienced my timelesss, true nature beyond the circumstances of my life. I saw an angel when I was 27 -- not in my imagination, but in my room. I worked in an Islamic school for a year -- the only Jew among 1,000 Muslims. I have walked the halls of power in corporate America, for 35 years, invited by that curious slice of humanity to open their minds to new possibilities. I have brought two children into this world, written seven books, and watched Fiddler on the Roof six times.

Speaking of which, there is a scene in that movie that has always stayed with me -- one that has relevance to the world we now find ourselves living in. Perhaps you remember the scene.

Tevye, the town milkman and also the town wise man was walking through the town square when he encounters two villagers arguing loudly about a transaction they recently had. Apparently, one of the men sold a horse to the other, but the other man is now insisting it was not a horse, at all, but a mule. When they see Tevye, each of them turns to him and vehemently makes their case.

After the first man tells his side of the story, Tevye strokes his beard and says "You're right!"

Then the second man, with an entirely different story of the transaction, makes his case to Tevye.

Tevye listens, strokes his beard and says. "You're right!"

A third villager, standing close by, who had been watching the argument play out for the past ten minutes then turns to Tevye and says, "Wait a minute, how can he be right (pointing to the first man) AND he be right (pointing to the second man)?"

Tevye listens, strokes his beard, and exclaims "YOU'RE RIGHT!" Then he starts dancing, embodying in that highly-charged moment, something far beyond right and wrong.

This story may sound cute to you or not at all applicable to the awful situation in the Middle East. But it is neither cute or naive. There is a lot of truth in it.

Until and unless, we -- as a species -- get to a place beyond our cultural perceptions of right and wrong -- we will always be fighting, always killing, always taking others hostage and more fundamentally, taking ourselves hostage.

What I am talking about has nothing to do with the laws of mankind. It has to do with the laws of life and the almighty -- that which not everyone agrees on, selectively quoting from their favorite scripture or interpretation of their favorite scripture to support their own point of view.

What can YOU do in regard to the hostage situation in Israel? What can you do in regard to the horror show going on in the Middle East these days -- and let us not forget the war between Russian and Ukraine.

That is for you to decide.

You can send thought and prayers. You can send money. You can send ambassadors. You can protest. You can write letters. You can come to services like the one here tonight. And all of these approaches, of course, have their place and time.

But ultimately, all of us -- you and me and everyone else who is not in this room tonight -- will need to find our own way back to peace -- the promised land that is not a physical place, but a state of being, a state of consciousness -- one whose natural attributes are love, kindness, empathy, compassion, selflessness, and the recognition that all people, regardless of their apparent differences, skin color, religion, language, politics, education, or perceptions are children of the same God -- all here to experience true love and forgiveness.

For now, before I take my leave, I invite you to close your eyes, take a long slow breath, and get in touch with one step you can take, one move you can make, to bring more love, kindness and understanding into this world -- starting tonight, in this room right now, in your home when you return there, and tomorrow in your community or wherever you can reach out to someone with love in your heart and the timeless recognition that we are all in this together.

Shalom! As-salamu alaikum to you all!
Unspoken Word
My peace poetry Facebook group

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:21 AM | Comments (0)
October 09, 2023
The Robbers


When I was 13, my sister was 18. She was the proverbial big sister. I was the proverbial little brother. And though she called me "twerp" and I called her "fatso", it was always comforting to know she was in the next room, especially on the nights when our parents went out. I wouldn't be alone. My sister was there.

But when she went off to college, everything changed. Now I was the only child in the house. Now it was just me.

I will never forget my first night alone. My parents, after dinner, casually informed me they were going out for the evening but would be back at a "reasonable hour." They petted the dog, gave me a hug, and were gone in a flash. I stood by the front door, listening, until the sound of their Oldsmobile disappeared into the distance. Then I made myself a huge bowl of ice cream, retreated to my room, turned on the TV, flopped down on my bed, and started doing my homework.

Continue reading "The Robbers"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 07:49 AM | Comments (0)
September 03, 2023
How Leonard Cohen Got His Song

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:40 AM | Comments (0)
August 29, 2023
Why Human Beings Tell Stories

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Mention the word "storytelling" to most people and they will immediately think fairy tale, CNN spin doctor, or teenager explaining why they haven't done their homework. Good for entertainment and distraction, perhaps, but not much more. Guess what? Not true. Storytelling is the most powerful communication tool the human race has ever conceived. Why? Because it delivers the goods in at least nine different ways:

Continue reading "Why Human Beings Tell Stories"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:28 PM | Comments (0)
August 16, 2023
Let Your Inner Animal Out!

Just a quick heads up to let you know about a great new service being offered by Evelyne Pouget -- one that might be right up your alley, especially if there is (or has been) a special poochie, kitty, horse, or other soulful animal in your life.


"I LOVE the painting! It is so lifelike and I truly feel Sparky's presence in the house. It's truly remarkable. I'm so very grateful to Evelyne for creating such a timeless treasure. The painting will be displayed prominently in my living room for all to see. He's watching over me still. So much gratitude to you!" -- Suzanne Leon

Evelyne is an extraordinarily talented artist (oil pastels, oils, and digital paintings) who also does commission work. The process of engaging her services is simple. All you need to do is email her a jpg of a photo you want her to work from. Depending on the composition of the photo, size, and medium you want (oil pastel or oil painting), she will quote you an exact fee.

Her email address:

See below for more examples of Evelyne's pet portraits:


"The oil pastel work Evelyne created of my dog, Kaya. is one of my most prized possessions! She truly captured Kaya's essence -- her sweetness, bright spirit, and loving nature. This beautiful piece is something I will always cherish." -- Sarah Jacob











Evelyne also specializes in people portraits
And horse portraits


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 02:51 PM | Comments (0)
August 13, 2023
The Sudden Glass of Orange Juice


There is an expression in poker called "going all in" which I've always loved. It refers to the moment when a poker player pushes all of his chips into the middle of the table, letting everyone know that he is betting everything, holding back nothing. Either his hand is so good, he knows he can't lose or he's trying to bluff everyone out of the game.

Several years ago, I had one of those moments -- not in a poker game, but in my kitchen. At the time, I was living in one of Prem Rawat's ashrams. Our lease was up and we had a only a week to move before the landlord threw us out.

Continue reading "The Sudden Glass of Orange Juice"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:19 PM | Comments (0)
July 19, 2023
You Have Wisdom to Share (and it's hiding in your stories)


All eight billion people on planet Earth are composed of the same six elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous. And all eight billion people, no matter where they were born or what language they speak, are composed of 75% water, 23 pairs of chromosomes, and approximately 37.2 trillion cells.

Continue reading "You Have Wisdom to Share (and it's hiding in your stories)"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 01:59 AM | Comments (0)
July 09, 2023
30 Great Quotes on Aging

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"Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." - Franz Kafka

"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." - Sophia Loren

"My face carries all my memories. Why would I erase them?" - Diane Von Furstenberg

"If you are pining for youth I think it produces a stereotypical old man because you only live in memory, you live in a place that doesn't exist. Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been." - David Bowie

Continue reading "30 Great Quotes on Aging"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:23 PM | Comments (0)
July 06, 2023

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Here's something I just heard about that I thought you might find both inspiring and timely, especially if you are looking for a new way to express your love to someone special in your life.

A good friend of mine -- Stuart Hoffman -- a masterful composer, pianist and producer of love songs -- has just launched SongScape, a brilliant, new custom-songwriting service.

The service Stuart provides is wonderful: you tell him what kind of song you're looking for (see below for details) and he will write, arrange, and produce the perfect song for you.

The twist? He is jump starting his new custom songwriting service with a raffle. For just a $25 entry fee, you can win a deeply moving, custom song that would typically cost at least $850.

Two examples of Stuart's Love Songs

A Thousand Days With You
One More Day

More examples of Stuart's music


Stuart will send you a simple form to complete that will provide him with the info he needs to write and produce your custom song, i.e.

-- The name of the song recipient

-- The occasion for the song, (i.e. engagement, wedding, birthday, anniversary, holiday, apology, expression of gratitude, sympathy)

-- Special moments you want noted in the song

-- Meaningful images, metaphors, memories, and details

-- The feeling or response you want the song receiver to experience

-- Your preferred musical genre or mood

2. Stuart will contact you to continue the intake process -- a way to ensure that the song he creates for you meets all of your specifications

3. Stuart and his team will write the lyrics. Stuart will write the music.

4. Stuart and his team will mix and master the song.

5. Stuart will digitally deliver the song to you in your desired format.


-- Opens: Thursday, July 6

-- Closes: Thursday, July 20

-- Entry Fee: $25

-- Payable to via Venmo or PayPal. (Be sure to include your email address in the note).

-- Receipt of payment is your official entry into the raffle

-- Winner will be chosen via a random drawing on July 20

-- Winner will be announced/informed on July 21



-- Buy a ticket by sending $25 to (via Venmo or PayPal). Deadline is July 20.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:02 AM | Comments (0)
July 01, 2023
"Dada, Do You Have Time to Catch My Bubbles?"

Jesse and Dada.jpg

One morning, 28 years ago, I found myself standing in my closet, madly searching for clean clothes in a last minute attempt to pack before yet another business trip, when I noticed my 4-year old son, Jesse, standing in the entrance. In one hand he held a small plastic wand, in the other, a plastic bottle of soapy water.

"Dada," he said, looking up at me. "Do you have time to catch my bubbles?"

Continue reading ""Dada, Do You Have Time to Catch My Bubbles?""

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 05:13 PM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2023
The Orange


Every spiritual tradition in the world has its own collection of rites and rituals that make up the warp and woof if it's particular path.

These rites and rituals, the origins of which are not always understood, give its practitioners something to do -- something not just think about or meditate on, but a physical activity they can focus on to help them remember the metaphysical connection to the essence of their path.

I get it. I do. Rituals work. Or as my rabbi liked to say, "If you want to learn to dance, sometimes you need to start with the box step."

My kids, for example, cannot celebrate Christmas without leaving milk and cookies out for Santa, even though its been years since they realized that the fat guy in the red suit didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making it down our chimney.

Continue reading "The Orange"

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 02:27 PM | Comments (0)
April 28, 2023
The Urge to Serve


One of the outcomes, for me, from receiving the gift of Knowledge from Prem Rawat, in 1971, was the unexpected emergence of a deep desire to serve. The gift he had given me was so profound and so fulfilling that I soon began to experience a spontaneous upwelling of longing to "be of service" in some way.

This impulse to serve was unstoppable. I was not "paying my dues." I was not trying to "do good deeds." I was not being hustled by someone to be a source of volunteer labor. What was moving me went way beyond that. Never in my life had I experienced such a deep aspiration to be of service.

Something at the core of my being wanted to make my best effort to "lend a hand", even if my skills were minimal and my hands were shaking.

Wanting, actually, is the wrong word to describe what I was feeling at the time. It was way more than wanting. It was primal -- rising from an archetypal place within me that I didn't know existed -- kind of like what happens to the tides when the moon is full... and the wolves. I had no idea where this deep-seated longing to serve was originating from, but I trusted it and wanted to see where it would take me.

I am still in the process of exploring this.

More about what Prem is offering.

Photo: Courtesy of TimelessToday
Prem Rawat's Official YouTube Channel

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 07:34 PM | Comments (1)
April 27, 2023
Mentoring and Coaching Services for Aspiring Authors


Award-winning author, poet, storyteller, blogger and editor, Mitch Ditkoff, is now available to mentor and coach aspiring writers. If you are in the process of writing a book and can use some meaningful support, I am a possible resource for you.

The Services I Provide:
- Writing & manuscript assessment
- Skillful, empowering feedback
- Creative process facilitation
- Book structure, rhythm & flow counsel
- Coaching, mentoring and gut check
- Book promotion advisory services

I Am the Right Fit for You If...

- You are thinking about writing a book
- You are writing a book, but are stalled or stuck
- You are committed to becoming a better writer
- You have something to say, but wrestle with doubt
- You are open to feedback, coaching & support
- You are confused about your publishing options

How My Service Works:
1. You and I have a 20-minute conversation to make sure your needs and my services are a good fit.
2. If YES, I send you a Letter of Agreement for your signature
3. You pay a 50% deposit
4. We schedule our first coaching session

My Books
Unspoken Word
Storytelling at Work
Storytelling for the Revolution
Full Moon at Sunrise
Awake at the Wheel

My Websites
Unspoken Word
Storytelling for the Revolution
Idea Champions
Face The Music
Brainstorm Champions

My Blogs

Storytelling at Work
Unspoken Word
The Heart of the Matter
The Heart of Innovation
Huffington Post


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:28 PM | Comments (0)
April 21, 2023
Today is the Launch of "Unspoken Word: Love Longing & Letting Go"

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Dear Friends:

If you have been reading Storytelling at Work for a while, there is a very good chance you will enjoy my just-published book of poetry,"Unspoken Word: Love, Longing & Letting Go."

Today is the day it launches on Amazon.

If you are thinking about buying it (or even if you're not), today is the day to buy it. Why? Because the more people who buy the book on the same day, the greater the chance the book will rank high on Amazon's NEW RELEASES list. And the higher it ranks, the more visibility the book will get. And since my vision is that millions of people read this book, visibility is a good thing.

PS: If you read the book and enjoy it, please consider writing an Amazon review -- one more way to help me get the word out there. Gracias!

Buy on Amazon
What ChatGBT says about my poetry
The website

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:31 PM | Comments (0)
April 13, 2023
INTRODUCING EVELYNE POUGET: San Miguel Pastel Portrait Artist

San Miguel portrait artist, Evelyne Pouget, upon completing her recent series of mosaic workshops, is now accepting pastel commissions (people and pets). Details about her commission process and how to engage her services are noted at the bottom of this post.



Mitch pastel 3.jpg







1. Email a photo of your subject to

2. Evelyne will get back to you with her fee and a projected date of completion.

3. Assuming you are good with #2, Evelyne will email you a Letter of Agreement for your signature.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:26 AM | Comments (0)
March 16, 2023
I Thought I Was a Small, But I'm a Medium (at Large)

Mitch Bio Image.jpeg Like my writing? Want to read the best of the best? Here ya go -- the ten most popular pieces of mine in the past five months. If you like what you read, consider following me on Medium or, better yet, subscribe, so you will receive an email alert whenever a new piece of mine is published.

Most of my Medium articles will take you less than 5 minutes to read.

1. On the Road to Prem Rawat
2. When an Email at 2:00 a.m Changes Everything
3. Learning to Face Your Opponent
4. What a Good Educator Does
5. The Real Marriage
6. Back to the Garden
7. The Beginning of the Book My Daughter, Mimi, Asked Me to Write
8. I'm From Woodstock. Yes, I Am!
9. Last Night I Googled Longing
10. Introducing Eva Snyder

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:35 PM | Comments (0)
Want more? Read our Archives:
March 2024, January 2024, December 2023, November 2023, October 2023, September 2023, August 2023, July 2023, May 2023, April 2023, March 2023, February 2023, January 2023, November 2022, October 2022, September 2022, August 2022, July 2022, June 2022, May 2022, April 2022, March 2022, February 2022, January 2022, December 2021, November 2021, October 2021, September 2021, August 2021, July 2021, June 2021, May 2021, April 2021, March 2021, February 2021, January 2021, December 2020, November 2020, October 2020, September 2020, August 2020, July 2020, June 2020, May 2020, April 2020, March 2020, February 2020, January 2020, December 2019, November 2019, October 2019, September 2019, August 2019, July 2019, June 2019, May 2019, April 2019, March 2019, February 2019, January 2019, December 2018, November 2018, October 2018, September 2018, August 2018, July 2018, June 2018, May 2018, April 2018, March 2018, February 2018, January 2018, December 2017, November 2017, October 2017, September 2017, August 2017, July 2017, June 2017, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017, February 2017, January 2017, October 2016, September 2016, August 2016, July 2016, May 2016, April 2016, March 2016, February 2016, January 2016, December 2015, November 2015,

Storytelling at Work is a blog about the power of personal storytelling – why it matters and what you can do to more effectively communicate your stories – on or off the job. Inspired by the book of the same name, the blog features "moment of truth" stories by the author, Mitch Ditkoff, plus inspired rants, quotes, and guest submissions by readers.

Order the book:

Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling for the Revolution is Mitch Ditkoff's newly published book about the power of personal storytelling to elevate the conversation on planet Earth. Provocative. Evocative. And fun. YOU have stories to tell. This book will help you tell them.
Storytelling at Work
"The world is not made of atoms," wrote the poet, Muriel Rukeyser. "It's made of stories." Learn how to discover, honor, and unpack the stories of yours that show up "on the job" in Mitch Ditkoff's award-winning 2015 book, Storytelling at Work.
Do you want to know more about the book before buying it? Click here for Mitch's response to frequently asked questions about Storytelling at Work – the perfect book for people who think they have no time to read.
The Workshop
Storytelling is an "unconscious competency" – an ability we all have that all too often remains inaccessible to us. Enter the Storytelling at Work workshop – a simple way to activate this powerful, innate skill.
Wisdom Circles
Want to establish a culture of storytelling in your organization or community? Looking for a simple way to help people to share their meaningful, memorable stories with each other? Here's how.
Podcasts & Videos
Click here to view and listen to a series of interviews with the author of this blog. Go beyond the written word. Listen. Feel. Elevate the conversation. Understand what the big deal is about personal storytelling.
Blogs 'R Us
If you like this blog, you might also like Mitch's other two blogs: The Heart of Innovation and The Heart of the Matter. Mitch is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.
Idea Champions
When Mitch isn't writing, he's captaining the good ship Idea Champions, a leading edge innovation consulting and training company based in Woodstock, NY. What their clients say.