The Heart of the Matter
May 03, 2015
Introducing Rawat Creations

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Click here for the preview website launch of Rawat Creations -- an exciting new project of Prem Rawat that will feature his photography, music, poetry, design, and other forms of creative expression.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at May 3, 2015 12:09 PM


I stumbled upon this and it looks like amazingly beautiful art by this man. I would want to buy one definitely but I am just curious. Seems like Prem Rawat is a a spiritual guru. Why does a messenger of peace have to sell his art at such prohibitive prices that only the rich can afford it? Even after covering all the costs, it should not be priced so much I think. And when I started reading about Prem Rawat, most articles say that he lives a very expensive lifestyle. I was under the impression that most messengers have no attachment to materialistic things coz the ones that I know from history have lived very simple lives.

Anyways, still this man is creative and I enjoyed looking at his art.

Posted by: davinsmith [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 19, 2015 01:36 AM

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