The Heart of the Matter
January 02, 2009
Bob Dylan On Life, Truth & Being Real


The history of planet Earth is the history of truth telling -- or at least the attempt to do so. Since the very first cave painting, people have been trying to communicate essence, meaning, and the timeless.

The messengers have been many: Masters, saints, philosophers, poets, artists, children, and songwriters just to name a few. Here's a sampling of what Bob Dylan has added to the conversation:

"If you try to be anyone but yourself, you will fail. If you are not true to your own heart, you will fail."

"I was born knowing the Truth. Everybody is. Trouble is, they get it knocked out of them before they can walk."

"Who cares about tomorrow and yesterday? People don't live there. They live now."

"After you go for a certain number of years, you realize, hey, life is kind of short...and you might as well say the way you feel."

"We all want to stop time."

"The highest form of song is prayer."

"I never wanted to be a prophet or savior. Elvis maybe."

(On the start of his career...)
"I stood on the highway during a blizzard snowstorm, believing in the mercy of the world and headed east. Didn't have nothing but my guitar and suitcase."

How about YOU? What do YOU have to say?

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 2, 2009 01:27 PM


Dear Mithch,
happy Hollidays, and every each day.
My Q. is: how do U find all this wondrful storys, ansd magically, they point to the Heart of the Matter.

Posted by: henryw [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 3, 2009 04:55 AM

Great post, thanks Mitch, keep it coming. Steve

Posted by: Steve G [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 3, 2009 12:17 PM

Thanks Mitch for all your wonderful writings.


Posted by: lor [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 3, 2009 08:29 PM

a dylan fan , saw him and willie in cooperstown NY a few years back with my son , me a poet , he a musician , songwriter
so we both felt alot of comraderie with him ~
they were a bit afraid to let him play on their famous baseball field though :)
cheers janice

Posted by: janice [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 4, 2009 10:21 PM

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